The Cycletastic Community bike shed was established in 2010 with a London Cycle Campaign community bike fund. Cycletastic is a local volunteer led, bike repair project in Streatley Rd Kilburn London NW6 5HE We recycle old bikes back to the community and offer bike repair services and bike riding training for all ages.
The shed aims to open regularly in the warmer months so that you can drop in and repair your own bike using our tools and parts. We can help you learn basic bike mechanics so that you can save money and become a self sufficient bike owner. We have a tool resource there and welcome anyone to the shed on a Saturday afternoon that needs bike help
We help you keep your bike rolling and roadworthy offering you the help of skilled mechanics to fix or service your bike with you .We can assemble and safety check your new bike.
We have second hand and new bike parts for sale and sell second hand bikes. We welcome your unused/ bike donations to help us to continue to offer this from the shed.
We have a face book and instagram page and update this as often as possible to keep you in contact with what is happening at the project and in the local and wider London area.
We are offer FREE learn bike maintenance training and free off road and on road bike ability training based at the Granville Community Centre bike hangars situated on Granville Road NW6 5RA for you or other members of your family age 9 yrs plus. This is funded by Cycling UK and Brent NCIL funding. Please message if you want to book a place to learn
Please note that the Cycletastic bike shed is run by volunteers and the project is closed during cold winter months.
We always welcome new volunteers at shed opens .